Monday, June 29, 2009


Clara's a thinker

Heres Avery helping out with getting Clara dressed by dragging her clothes around and ripping them off the hangers.

Got gas?

The 1,280,887 kiss of the day.

So tiny looking in Duanes arms

"Mommy baby crying, mommy kiss baby foot, mommy kiss baby hand, mommy kiss baby head, mommy ooh baby poop, mommy, mommy, mommy". Does this sound familiar to anyone.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here she is.

Clara Taylor Simpson made it into this world at 1:15 am on 6-25-09. She was in such a hurry that she didn't even wait for a doc (only a couple monkey residents who were completely crapping their pants while the nurse was screaming for a doc to come into the room). She weighed in at 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches long. She made a pit stop to the nursery for a funny looking tummy, but they deemed her A.O.K. She loves sleeping during the day and partying at night, looooong and slow nursing, and relieving herself in her diaper. We love her.

Lets compare

The majority think Avery and Clara look alike. What do you think?
Avery Bella Simpson

Clara Taylor Simpson

Avery Bella Simpson

Clara Taylor Simpson

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some run.

Duane, Becca and Greg ran a 10 miler a couple of weekends ago through Imigration Canyon. Avery and I headed out of the house just in time to watch them all cross the finish line. Once again the three of them beat their time goals by just minutes.