This is Avery's first day of gymnastics. She LOVED it. I was so proud of her. She did very well. She started out cautious but was comforatable with it in the end.
This is my only attempt at decorating for halloween. This is a calander with pockets for treats. I of course don't feed Avery candy so the pockets are filled with organic dried vegetables.

This is a toddler "spook alley". She loved it.

All Avery wants to do when we go to the park is "fing high". She can do this for hours. No matter how much I beg her to go down the slide, she won't budge.

Ready for a disaster.

Ha Ha. I was wondering who was gonna catch that.
Dried organic veggies no less!!!!
Ha Ha Ha! I don't believe the veggies story for a second, especially with the previous blog with her mouth stuffed full of candy after getting shots :-) and I LOVE the "prepared for a disaster picture....Avery's gonna love that one when you pull that out to show her boyfriend on their first date ;-)
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