Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Diarrhea everywhere.

For those of you who haven't had to deal with explosive diarrhea, heres a little peak. This happens about every two hours. Diarrhea does not care where you are, what your wearing, or what time of the day, and ruins everything is touches. The tricky part is keeping baby on hard surfaces, or on top of something waterproof. Not always easy with a mobile baby.


Diana & CJ said...

Aww so sad, so she's still sick I take it. Well I hope she feels better soon poor little lamb.
Is that cute black & white picture above one that the photographer took on the day of our run? It's very cute! I love it!

LZ said...

she is going to love you for posting this on the internet later in life. so sad, poor little Avery. no fun being sick.

don'tet any on you.

Melissa said...

We have tons of pictures like this. Blackmail baby.