Sunday, August 10, 2008


Avery had dirt for the first time today. She loved it. She also found a rock that she liked to lick the dirt off of. Her dad helped her out every once and a while by giving her water to wash the dirt down.


Bateman's Latest Kill said...

I will send Ry up to show her how to get her own drink of water out of a puddle. I am so glad someone elses kid is dirtly.

Ry, Katie, Jack and Ella too! said...

What?? You let your kid get dirty? Are you feeling okay?

Becca said...

The Hamptons would not allow it, but I will. It's good for 'em, dirt and dog biscuits...makes their teeth white and their hair purdy.

McKenze Lee said...

Maybe she's lacking enough iron in her diet? lol

Jerolyn said...

Mistie Critchfield ....Simpson!! How are you? I have been wondering about you FOREVER, where are you, what have you been up to, wha, wha, wha???. How on earth did you ever find my blog? I just ran through yours and was so thrilled to see you~ and your baby is well...edible. AND I saw Krinn...and Shawnea...yea what a great night this is! SO, SO happy to hear from you!

Jerolyn said...

p.s. You couldn't have found me BEFORE July 20th so I could have at least been in the running for that adorable Tu Tu? Damn it!