Monday, April 27, 2009

Salt Lake City Marathon

Duane and some of his pavement pounding friends ran the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon this year. Duane was so nervous the night before he made himself sick. There was nothing to be nervous about because they all did AWESOME!!! They beat their goal times by minutes. I waited at the finish line to cheer them on. Becca slipped by me somehow but I did get to hoot and holler for Greg and Duane (next time Jackie). Duane and I hosted a small get together after to celebrate the victory. Don't they all look so fresh for just finishing a 1/2 marathon! Duane and Greg are already talking a mini triathlon. WHAT! Angel brought candy to bribe all the kids to like her. It worked.


Ry, Katie, Jack and Ella too! said...

Duane looks a little like he's running in the special olympics in that last picture!