Monday, March 31, 2008
Going Green
Posted by Mistie at 10:43 AM 10 comments
I wish it were Sunday, because thats my funday.

This weekend I have confirmed what I already knew, that babies don't want their toys, instead they want objects that you don't want them to have. I have come up with my million dollar idea that I'm always looking for. I have decided to make a few household items in baby friendly materials and market them as baby toys. Here are a few things Avery especially loves; door stops, electrical cords, wrappers of any sort, and especially DVD cases.
Posted by Mistie at 10:22 AM 4 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hippity Hoppity
Avery gets a visit from the Easter Bunny
Gavins dad told him he was getting a bucket of rabbit turds
Avery on her daddy's lap
A surprise visit from the Easter Bunny himself-or is that Jack?
Avery and her sad little sunburn from Rylee's birthday party.
Avery's first Easter turned out great. We went to Shawnae and Jeffs and had Easter out of their garage. Grandma Myrna hid eggs stuffed with money. The ever competitive Rosie and Katie pushed and shoved anybody in their way of an egg with the potential of having a twenty bill in it. Rosie even pushed poor Russel down who is scheduled to have back surgery soon! Duane got his first taste of the blood sport when Russel and Rosie had him pinned down with their knees on his back trying to pry an Easter egg out of his hand. After the hunt Duane and I counted our money we pooled together which added up to $13. Whoop were rich! Well worth the fight!
Posted by Mistie at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Naughty Naptime
So much for a good sleeper. Avery is paying me back for all those lovely nights she slept soundly. We finally lowered her crib so she can't reach to pull herself up. She had to resort to looking through the bars.
Posted by Mistie at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Lynly tagged me about a week ago (whatever that means) so here it goes...
10 Years Ago...Living year round on Nantucket working at the Sportslocker and driving on the beaches. The good'ol days.
5 things I need to do on Saturday...
1. Wake up and drink my coffee. The day doesn't start without drinking coffee.
2. File my bunions.
3. Get my cornrows redone.
4. Read to Avery and then put her in her kennel for the day.
5. Clean up dog poop
What would I do if I became a billionaire....Open my own part time business and pump out 10 more kids....pump-hah thats funny.
5 jobs that I have had...Pinetree sports
massage therapist on Nantucket, Kings department store, preschool teacher (oh yeah), and Rad Tech.
5 things people don't know about me...
1) I dump out my shampoo or conditioner (which ever is fullest) so that the levels are even.
2) I broke my leg when I was two.
3) I hate spiders and mice, however it hurts my feelings to kill them.
4) I like the smell of my baby when she smells like puke.
5)My babies feet smell like Frito Lays and she gets it from me.
O.k., I'm have finally finished this tag thing that Lynly made me do. Now what the hell am I suppose to do?
Posted by Mistie at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Spider Pig
Avery has been attempting to crawl for weeks now. She has taken a few strides, but either ran into something or fell on her head. This weekend she finally got the hang of things and has taken off. Nothing can hold her back. Shawnae, Jeff and Gavin were here to witness the event and for whatever reason, Gavin sang to her when she would crawl, "Spider pig, Spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does." I'm not sure if there is a correlation between the Simpson name or if he thinks just thinks she crawls like a spider pig. She is going to keep me so busy.
Posted by Mistie at 9:41 PM 2 comments